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This is firstly one of God's most surprising presents from him to me.At this year's confirmation camp'09 from 12-15 June'09, God gave me the role of being the Music IC at the camp. When I reflect upon this, I wonder every single time why God who had chosen me when he has blest so many others who are so much more talented than me in the area of Music!And boy, was this role a challenge for me. But it was so amazing at the same time for me! God chose me and used me for his glory to bring others closer to him through the muscial talents he has blest me with. And till this very day, 20 months after learning to play the guitar, I still don't know how I got to this stage as a musician. I still see myself as a less than ordinary guitarist. And I think the whole experience of being the Music IC, has really humbled me as a musician. I felt like a different person during the camp! The music wasn't fantastic but it was good and there were so many times when I really couldn't believe that I was playing the guitar together with the team.And for me, I had so much fun being a musician & a worship leader at the same time! I recall the worship session where I led & played the guitar, I could feel the immense presence & intimacy of God! It was truely like being in heaven with everyone! The feeling & experience was so intense & heavenly!
God truely uses his children and raises them to heights never imagined! I truely praise God for all that his has blessed me with and also the amazing music team he blessed me to work with!
Thank you my God! Thank you for your favour upon me!
Wow its has surely been amazingly long since my last post. But my life has really seen & lived out the truth of Jesus being my saviour! And keep a constant prayer life has been the foundations of the life in the Spirit for me!About 2 weeks ago, I felt like the little distance I felt between God & me had been becoming bigger & bigger. And I knew God was making me realise this before my spiritual life enetered a stage where the distance would be too emotionally difficult for me to bear. But then, I started to reflect on why there was even a distance to start with. After much analysis & reflection, I realised that I am person that loves to live in the Spirit of God and sometimes allows my business to replace prayer but I still want that joyful life in the spirit of God! I guess it was something that was never a problem when I was in lovely Perth! But this time my business was due not to church but rather to my Final project in school where my hours in school is like working-life (9-5.30pm) everyday. So I guess I still hadn't adjust to the lifestyle of working hard to sustain my prayer life!So once this realisation was brought to mind, I started placing the priority of my sleep behind the priority of prayer! And the wonders it has done for me, has truely been a blessing and at many times, Prayer makes me feel like I'm living "Heaven on Earth!"For me, Prayer brings that the presence of my experience of the intimacy I have with my dearest God. It brings about that union Jesus had promised us before he died for us! One of the most awesome graces that Prayer also does for me is granting Wisdom & Humility unto me. And the more I pray, I've come to the realisation that I able to see the world & people through the eyes of Jesus! And I testify that I am who I am because of Prayer!Its a heavenly gift that many of us don't really grasp and understand. But trust me when I say this Prayer is what brings you to an experience of 'Living Heaven on Earth'! And the adoration room & the Eucharist is the best place to start! Praise God!