In my life, I encounter so many people walking with Jesus from their hearts. And I'm talking about the people in this world who can really make a difference. These are the kind of people that serve & love our dearest God from their hearts. And when you get a chance to witness them serving in Ministry, you really do see the real person of Jesus in them. And if you get a chance to hear their sharings, you are just so sure that there is something so special about them. And you know that these are the kind of people that God has set out to achieve Greatness in this world because of our Lord Jesus! You know that it is solely because of Jesus that these people are set apart from everyone else to be great in this world. But nevertheless, these people go through the same kind of struggles as each and every one of us. They are surely not spared of the pains of walking with God!
But the question I think many of us might ask, "Does that mean we are not meant to be great in this world just ike them?" But I think we are always called to be great and God always gives us that opportunity to embrace that calling, but I guess as all of us still do belong to this world for now, we don't live up to that Calling of being great. But the 'Special Ones' answer & embraces that opportunity to be Great in this world.
An example would be how John the Baptist is set apart because he chose to make way for Jesus to take his role as the Saviour of the world. I could only imagine the amount of work John the Baptist had done before Jesus came in. But John the Baptist knew that his calling for Greatness had came to a close when Jesus came into the Picture!
But although I meet so many people of God who have that ability to be great, there are so few people that actually make it to the end. And as I was reflecting on this, I realised how sad God would be. He provides for all of us to be Great, but in the end so few of us make it to complete our Journey towards Greatness with God in this world. And the 2 names that come to my mind on the people that lasted through their Journey towards Greatness with God in this world is our Late Pope John Paul II as well as Blessed Mother Theresa. And it would probably make you a canonised Saint if you actually last that Journey to Greatness with God in this world!
May we look to them and our Lord Jesus to be Great in this world! Then others will know that We are Great because of Jesus! Jesus always makes us look Good!
Praise God!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Nature of our Hearts

Just think about it, remember the time when you had your first crush, your heart went right out for that person. And if those feeling went any deeper, you'd find yourself falling in love with that person. And i strongly will confirm that it was your heart and not your mind that was falling in love. And even in Spirituality, remember that 1st time when you were at a worship session and was so immense touched by the love of God. It was surely your dearest heart which made the presence of God so strongly & deepely felt. And I'd say that it is true that the Word of God should penetrate your hearts not your minds right.
So the question is, What is the nature of your heart? What kind of state is your heart in? Or have we just given up on all hope that our hearts gives us the true answer in all our doubts with regards to the ministry we serve in, career decision, our vocation and even a girl/guy we have fallen for. The mind comes in to make awareness of the facts involved in that situation.
And Jesus would be such an excellant example for us when we recall the amount of Love he had for his people. Try remembering the number of times when it was said in the gospels when Jesus' heart went out to his people when he saw how much they were in need of a Shepherd. For me, an analysis of what my heart is feeling is a constant practice for me. The way I feel in my heart is so so important for me. It is always the case where my heart moves me to behave the way I do towards everyone. And what has always been refreshing, has been God's afirmation of the way my heart moves for him through his love. Another affirmtion for me, is how God always reminds me to constantly ground my heart in his Love.
God's love is always the foundation of my heart. And then all other kinds of love will follow and fit in its perfect place in my heart. May you allow yourself time to look at the nature your heart today? I'm sure by you reading this post,it may be God's invitation or reminder to look at the state of your heart! Don't let your heart become a heart of stone!
Ezekiel 36:26
I shall give you a new heart; and put a new spirit in you; I shall remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Trusting despite the unknowns
Trusting in God is a call that many of us are always called to do in our walks with the Lord! Its something we as children of God will eventually have to go through. Its also an experience which will bring out the best & worst in us. It brings out the worst in us cause it may lead us into a state of argument with God. It may also bring out the best in us cause we all know that God is right and always does everything that would be the best for us. But at the end of the day, we know that for us to move forward, we are surely called to trust in God's plan for us!
But is it easier to trust in God when we know what situation we are getting ourselves into? In many ways, I think this becomes so difficult for people who haven't really made that step to trust in God. But I think for those who have constantly made steps to place their life in God's hands, it would be a little bit easier as we have had the experience of reaping the benefits of trusting in God's plan for us in our lives.
But what happens when God invites you to trust him even when you are not even sure of what would or could happen? That's an invitation of trusting despite having so many unknowns in your mind & heart! Would we still trust in God with the same faith God has blest us with, being so aware of the many unknowns that accompany us? I think this would lead us into serious contemplation whether trusting in God is the right way to go! I sure that those who have walked the journey, would have surely encountered such experience with our precious Lord Jesus! But if you reflect a bit deeper on the word of God, we are affirmed by the many stories of how God called his servants to trust despite the awareness of the numerous unknowns.
I'd obviously start with the famous Abraham who was called to trust in God when God called him to sacrifice his first-born and only Son, Isaac. If we look at it, it would the most ridiculous thing to do. Just imagine, Abraham & his wife had been waiting for years & years to be bear a child and when God had finally blest them with a Son, God asked Abraham to kill their only Son. I'm sure Abraham was so confused about why God wanted this of him. But nevertheless, Abraham trusted in God but as we know the story, God stopped Abraham just before he was about to sacrifice his Son. And that was God test for Abraham.
And the next experience would be Jesus called out to Simon Peter from the boat to walk on water with him. This defies all logic, but nevertheless, Peter trusted in Jesus' call to him. But as we also know, he started to realise that he was defying human limitations and soon started to freak out and soon started to sink. But Jesus still saved him when he lacked faith!
From this, we can be convinced that even our lack of faith & trust in God's plan for us, we know that Jesus will be holding our hands as we make that leap of faith to trust in God even if there are huge amounts of doubts and unknowns in our minds & hearts.
The question is: Will you walk into the deep with God and trust him wholeheartedly even if it makes no logical sense at all?
Have a little faith! Make that leap of Faith!
Praise God! God Bless!
But is it easier to trust in God when we know what situation we are getting ourselves into? In many ways, I think this becomes so difficult for people who haven't really made that step to trust in God. But I think for those who have constantly made steps to place their life in God's hands, it would be a little bit easier as we have had the experience of reaping the benefits of trusting in God's plan for us in our lives.
But what happens when God invites you to trust him even when you are not even sure of what would or could happen? That's an invitation of trusting despite having so many unknowns in your mind & heart! Would we still trust in God with the same faith God has blest us with, being so aware of the many unknowns that accompany us? I think this would lead us into serious contemplation whether trusting in God is the right way to go! I sure that those who have walked the journey, would have surely encountered such experience with our precious Lord Jesus! But if you reflect a bit deeper on the word of God, we are affirmed by the many stories of how God called his servants to trust despite the awareness of the numerous unknowns.
I'd obviously start with the famous Abraham who was called to trust in God when God called him to sacrifice his first-born and only Son, Isaac. If we look at it, it would the most ridiculous thing to do. Just imagine, Abraham & his wife had been waiting for years & years to be bear a child and when God had finally blest them with a Son, God asked Abraham to kill their only Son. I'm sure Abraham was so confused about why God wanted this of him. But nevertheless, Abraham trusted in God but as we know the story, God stopped Abraham just before he was about to sacrifice his Son. And that was God test for Abraham.
And the next experience would be Jesus called out to Simon Peter from the boat to walk on water with him. This defies all logic, but nevertheless, Peter trusted in Jesus' call to him. But as we also know, he started to realise that he was defying human limitations and soon started to freak out and soon started to sink. But Jesus still saved him when he lacked faith!
From this, we can be convinced that even our lack of faith & trust in God's plan for us, we know that Jesus will be holding our hands as we make that leap of faith to trust in God even if there are huge amounts of doubts and unknowns in our minds & hearts.
The question is: Will you walk into the deep with God and trust him wholeheartedly even if it makes no logical sense at all?
Have a little faith! Make that leap of Faith!
Praise God! God Bless!
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