Over the past few weeks, there has been this extremely real temptation of choosing the ways & tactics of the world. But I am so thankful that God gave me the strength & grace to choose the ways of heaven instead. And this temptation of choosing the ways of the world continues to exist within me but thank God it still remains to be a temptation. And for weeks, I had been struggling so much with this, and in so many ways, I just needed a reason to believe in 'Choosing Heaven's ways'. Although there was very little reason, I still continued to choose heaven's ways instead. But as usual, God has always got his ways to ensure that our efforts in creating a spark would surely become a fire. That small little spark has led to a very strong & intense fire that lies within me to choose heaven's ways now. Like many others, it was at the SFX youth night that was actually that opportunity for God to make my spark become a fire. And it was just so beautiful to me. It was in the smallest ways that allowed this to happen.
For me, the play really spoke to me as the message was about rejecting the ways of the world and choosing God as our ultimate foundation. But the climax point where God took total control of me was during the Eucharistic Adoration & the Final Worship. It was yet another moment of intimacy between God & I, where he just kept urging and encouraging me to continue in this discernment, no matter what happens. And in that very moment, I broke down in tears, due to how God had just met me at where I was. And it was a moment of true intimacy with my Lord Jesus. It was made even more special because of the intensity of emotions & experiences I have been going through. But in all things, my joy just came from the very fact that my sweet Lord Jesus had spoke to me. In simple words, he anointed my faithfulness to him & this discernment by making my spark in a beautiful fire.
Although there seems to be so much struggle in this discernment, I absolutely can't ignore the numerous amount of fruits that has been so evidently present, especially in this year of 2010. There has been just the right amount of reasons for me to continue moving forward in the discernment. And with every hurdle/struggle and reason to stop, there is a bigger reason to continue. There has always been a reason to continue. And one of the biggest fruits is how I have definitely been getting so much stronger throughout the course of this discernment.
And I think that so many of us have a very big misconception that the ways of heaven is happiness all the way. But for me, the ways of heaven is a tougher road, but its surely a more fulfilling road, without a doubt. Its a road that makes you so much stronger and a road that is definitely so much more exciting. Day after day, as I tell people of the experiences of God in my life, I always find them so intrigued at how exciting it all is. And for me, its a path I will always choose over anything/anyone else. Its a path worth taking. Its a path of 'Choosing Heaven's ways'!
My prayer is that, as you read this post, "Give God a chance to make your life extraordinary. Let God show you what you are truely worth because you have no idea how much you are worth to GOD. You are priceless! So give God a chance to make your entire life something worth living for. Start by giving a part of your life to him, but slowly give him everything. Let God make all your decisions. I stand here as a living testimony that God is the best one to make all your decisions, no matter how small or big a decision it may be! Just take a chance with God and choose Heaven's ways!"