These were the 3 events that happened on the 7th of November 2009:
- Gavin & Jane's Beautiful Wedding (Wedding Mass @9am & Wedding Dinner @7pm)
- My Parish's Sacrament Confirmation Mass @ 6pm
- My Uncle's 1st year Death Anniversary Mass & Dinner @ 6pm
And this realisation came to mind only around July. There was no event that was more important than the other for me. And in the depths of my heart, I only wanted to go for all 3 events, if it was possible. I just felt like duplicating myself into 3 and then making it possible to make it for all 3 events.
Starting off with Gavin & Jane's wedding, they are just so extremely important to me. I was blest to even have the chance to hear about how Gav proposed to Jane. And that is a truely classic of what kind of love they have for each other. Impressively, they had a disagreement before he proposed but our Lord's ways will never be our ways. And his ways are always the best for us whether we can see it or not. Gavin & Jane will be people I hold so so close to my heart. They, together with my cell, taught me what Love really is and that the perfect love of God is possible to be manifested amongst us humans! And when I came to know about the date of their wedding and also how that there are 2 other events happening that same night, I was totally shocked and this is what I said to God, "You've gotta be kidding me, God!"
And next was my dearest Uncle Simon's 1st year death anniversary mass & dinner. This uncle of mine was the dearest & closest uncle to me. And it was so devastating for me when he passed on last year. And I will never forget that many people couldn't understand the purpose & reason for my trip to Perth but he understood without me even explaining it to him. And he was an uncle that stood out for me. As in all families, there lies alot of politics. But this uncle of mine never ran away from it but he embraced it and dealt with it rooted in the Love of God. And in many ways, he unconsciously taught me how to deal with difficult people in life especially in Church. He taught me how to deal with something so real in the Church, The Politics of the Church! And he always inspired me to believe that anything is possible in the name of Jesus!
Finally, we have my parish's Sacrament of Confirmation mass. I'd say that this year's confirmation badge really stands out for me after serving for 6 years at the camps & retreats! This badge seems to be more God-seeking people. They remind me so much about how I struggled so much when I was a teenager, trying to find meaning in life and finding God in my life. There seemed to be so much desire in their hearts to get to God! And I guess this badge is one I hold really close to my heart as I am able to relate to so many of them in the way they wanna believe in the reality of God in their lives as well as in this cruel world of lies! And as they search for God, God tells me to show them the path I have taken and surely found God and his amazing Love he has lavished on us. And when I mentioned to a few of them about how I had to make a decision on this, and that I would not be able to make it for their confirmation, I saw their eyes just filled with disappointment. And I could tell that my presence with them on their really special day was so important to them. And it made sense as I was journeying with alot of them and I too felt really special in their presence and that made me really want to be there with them.
Then, when late August came around, I knew that this was a decision i had to make really soon. So I analyzed and came to a conclusion to go for the wedding mass in the morning, then go for my dearest uncle's 1st year death anniversary mass & dinner followed by Gavin & Jane's wedding dinner after. And as the decision settled in my heart, it didn't feel right. It felt that like God wanted me to change my decision and it felt like god wanted me to make it for the Confimation Mass. And so I started to lift it up and surrender that entire day's plans into God's hands and allowed my decision to be his desire for me.
This was the final decision:
- Go for Gavin & Jane's wedding in the morning @9am
- Go for the Confirmation Mass at my parish @6pm
- Head for my uncle's 1st year death anniversary dinner @8pm
When the day came to a close, I knew this was the perfect decision. This only happened because God made the decision for me! I was so happy that I made it for all 3 events. The highlight of the day was how God was involved in every moment of that day, from the celebration of Holy Matrimony to the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation and finally to the celebration of my uncle's life!
And at the end of that day, I said to God,
"What a day, God! I praise you O Lord for your ways are the best!"
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