Just 2 and a 1/2 years ago, in June 2007, YV had our very 1st retreat and it was in a time when I came back to church after being MIA (missing in action) for 6 months. But it was at that very retreat when God himself called me back into his loving arms. And I will hold that retreat and YV extremely close to my heart because God used them & the retreat to pave the way for me to come back. And I remember everything about the retreat. I especially remember the very first time that I felt so incredibly wholesome when the Love of God entered my heart. And as I tell everyone, that was the defining moment that changed my life!
But this time, at our YV retreat in 2010, its so funny how God makes his plan so perfect, although we think we have screwed up his plan with our mistakes. I am still in awe and humbled by the very fact that I was part of the planning team for this YV retreat. And as promised, I knew that this retreat would be one of great intensity. For me, as I planned the retreat together with the core, my aim was to really intensify our journey with God. I felt that the one element we all lacked the most, was having intimacy with God. And so this YV retreat was aimed to facilitate that process. And as the retreat drew near, God placed an real excitement in my heart! It felt so awesome as it was like something huge was going to happen!
And of course, God kept his promise! At the retreat, there was the really immense desire for God that was within the hearts of all the YV memebers that were at the retreat! And then I just said to God, "Oh boy, they are in for a surprise if they desire for God this much!"
Throughout the retreat, I have a real beautiful opportunity to really see teh fruits of God's promise to me 2 years ago. For the 1st time, YV was a God-desiring community! In my heart, I just rejoiced and delighted in this fact! And my sharing group of Justin, Julia, Oliver & Estelle were so inspiring. Each one of them just amazed me so much. And it wasn't just what they shared that really amazed me, but it was rather, the genuinity of their hearts that was so evident in their sharing. And it was just so God-centered!
As the retreat progress towards its climax, at the night session, where my beloved YAM so generously came to do the session for us. And we shall not forget that they travelled from the east to the west to reach the retreat place. They are just so selfless, just like Jesus! But the night session was really amazing for me! And sury also mentioned to me about the hunger & desire for God that he felt among everyone. But I believe that those who were really open to what God had planned for them that night, had a real surprise from God and the immense Love of God too!
For me, as Sury & Eugene prayed over me, God's message to me was,
"None of the trials which have come upon you is more than a human being can stand. You can trust that God will not let you be put to the test beyond your strength, but with any trial will also provide a way out by enabling you to put up with it."
1 Corinthians 10:13
And this passage was just exactly what I needed to hear because I went into the retreat needing an assurance that I was on the right track with God! And when I received it, I felt very much at peace and I guess it was the simplicity of the message that made it so amazing! And after that, came a very defining moment for me as I took the courage to wash the feet of Estelle. And that for me was so important, after all that had happened between us. But it was a really special moment and there was this real anointing that was so evidently present. And that night really defined how perfect God's plan is for us.
And when I though it ended, my group had yet another amazing sharing and after the sharing, God prompted me to enter into a time of prayer to pray for each other. And my oh my, we spent a whole hour in prayer and it was just so amazing and beautiful. After which, we spent time to pray for healing for a person in our group. And it was so wonderful for that person too. The person was really healed of all the person had gone through in the past. And night ended with our group just having a crazy supper by ourselves!
The next day started with morning mass @ St. Mary of the Angels Church. After which, I started to get very nervous about leading in worship. But the worship was so so beautiful. The intensity of worship was really brought to another level for YV. Especially in the song of which I'd say is the most anointed P&W song for me ever, 'How great is our God'! At that song, the whole community raised our hands in worship and it was a sight that would surely bring dancing in the heavens!After our lunch, Estelle & I planned to pray with Stephen and yet again it was such a beautiful time of prayer. And finally the retreat ended with a very touching time of community sharing and not forgetting the community praying for one another.
For me, this retreat was one where God brought this community to another level of intimacy with him! But this happened because we had that desire for God! And what I learnt the most at this retreat is the real power of calling upon God & his Holy Spirit in prayer. At this retreat, I really learnt the power of prayer yet again and the authority we have when we come in the Name of Jesus! At this retreat, I really saw many crying like never before and many broken & wounded hearts being healed. But the outstanding revelation in truth was God bring the Youth Vineyard Community to another level and in many ways, this underlines how this community will enter the next 5 years as we celebrate our 5th year anniversary!
Praise be unto God alone and no one else!

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