Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sec 1 camp

This is a really emotional & sentimental post for me. And for those who have known me for more than a year, you'll know where I was exactly a year ago. It was when I was having my holiday with God in sweet Perth, Australia. And over this month of March, God has really made full use of me, as well as my free time. It is really the best way to spend lent!

For every weekend in March, I'll be involved in a camp. the 1st weekend, I was at the SFX Core leaders' retreat, the 2nd weekend, I was involved in the Sec 1 camp, the 3rd weekend, I'll be involved as a worship leader for my friend's community retreat, the 4th weekend, I'm involved in the SFX youth ministry youth retreat. Then comes holy week, of which my community, the Youth Vineyard is leading. And finally, in the 2nd weekend of April, its Camp Daniel where I'm help the CAYC team to do sessions and whatever else that God calls me to do at the camp.

As I spent a few moments to reflect upon these camps that God has called to use me as his instrument, I am very much humbled of whom god has made me into. I am humbled that God has even considered using me to work in his Vineyard! There is just this constant joy in my heart of how God has blest me in his gifts unto me!

Over the past 2 months, I've been in this constant struggle of where God was leading me, especially in the area of my vocation. It has been this constant struggle day after day. But I praise God that his grace has seen me through all moments and especially the grace to be selfless with my time. There have been many many moments where I've ended up in this state of constant confusion. I'm sure we have all have many moments of confusion. But for me, I have been given the opportunity to really deal with these confusions.

But over this weekend, I've had the chance to spend alot of time being immersed in God's love through the simple worship done at the Sec 1 camp. And in each moment of prayer, God was constantly affirming me of the direction that I was taking in my walk with him. There was never ever a moment, in the midst of prayer, where there was an ounce of doubt that my discernment of the direction that God was leading me in wasn't the path of God! There just was this constant convincing that God was working within the very depths of my heart.

And this was the very words that God spoke to me during Mass at the Sec 1 camp.

"My Son, will you be a fool for me?"

This invitation from God speaks directly to the doubts I had been feeling over the past 2 months. And yet again, it is a moment when God comes to my aid! But surely that wasn't all of what God had planned for me over this weekend!

I was really touched by the Sec1s too. For me, the very defining fact that touched me was the sheer innocence & child-like faith of these young ones. And I just felt so priviledged to be their Facilitator and personally enjoyed being their Facilitator too. And the one learning point I experienced, was how its the very little acts of Love & Kindness that we do in the secret that really means the most to the children of God! And yes, I was totally surprised and affirmed by how the Sec 1s in my group felt so touched. For me, it was just the simplicity of the Sec 1 camp that touched my heart so much!

As I conclude this post, I see that it really such a blessing to be serving in the Lord's Vineyard! And I have really experienced so much more than what I thought. Its been only 2 camps out of 5 camps. But there just is an immense grace that God has been blessing me with. And there is joy and a different level to trust in God's plan for me, despite the many confusing thoughts & struggles. This time, I choose to look even more at the graces instead of the confusion & struggles, but not ignoring it! I'm just spending more of my time to reflect upon the graces instead of the struggles! I think it makes our journey a whole lot easier!

Try delighting in the simple gifts of God unto us, instead of you complaining about the weight of your struggles! Praise you O Jesus!

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