"God wants us to become active as flames of Love by which his Spirit transforms us!"
St John of the Cross
This post has actually been a really long delayed one as its been a reflection based on the September issue of Word Among Us. That issue was very much focused on the Life of St. John of the Cross. And for me, I never really read about the life of St. John of the Cross and had the idea that he was a man of God that really follow all the rules of the Catholic Faith and that his Spirituality was one that was really strict! So whenever his name came to mind, I'd many a time, just switch of because my spirituality wasn't one of following the rules and one that was really strict!
But when I receive that issue, I decided to give St. John of the Cross a chance and I was so happy and blest to have do that! And this saint's spirituality is simply so amazing and exciting! His spirituality was very much like St. Teresa of Avila and also that the both of them were really so close as friends! His spirituality was based on the numerous intimate experiences of God! And as you would already know by now, that my Spirituality is very much based on that too!
But as I was reading about him, what struck me the most was how gentle as a Man of God he was! As I continued to read, I was really amazed by his genuineness and how gentle he was! And in so many ways, he was so much Jesus. Even when he was thrown into solitary, he embraced that alone time with God. And I embrace every struggle without complaining.
And as I reflect, I find myself caught at the crossroad where I question my own gentleness. And I think that gentleness is really one of the trustworthy gauges to see if we really are becoming holier! So many times we acclaim to everyone that we are walking with God but so many of us miss out on this mark of the gentleness we have in our hearts and in the way we carry ourselves in the midst of people of God! We may seem like walking with God, but are our words & actions really showcasing the Love that Jesus gave to us or is it a love that we feel should be showcased! We would only be deceiving ourselves then!
And its so evident that this is what God is really calling me to at this moment in my walk with my Lord! I want be just like St. John of the Cross, to be gentle, meek & humble in every single thing I do whether for God or anyone else. I want to watchful of the words I speak and the action I do. I pray & earnestly desire to be alot more gentler in my ways everyone I meet each day especially the people I find hard be the person that my heart desires to be!
Lord Jesus, I desire to be holier and in turn much more gentle & humble! I pray that your Spirit will prompt me and hold my tongue when I'm about to make a comment that doesn't glorify your name or build someone up! I ask you Lord Jesus to purify my Heart! Guide me as I desire this to be more real in my life!
Praise God!
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