Back & renewed is what is going through my mind through the Leadership Formation Module by SACCRE! It was simply amazing, but it might not be appealing to everyone. Its was something that I was really yearning for and so wonderfully did god's servant, Charles Whitehead who gave so many wonderful teachings for all the leaders who came! Its yet again a process of being renewed!
Actually when Sury invited me to go, I was really excited about all of it but at the same time, I wondering who Charles Whitehead was and like whether it was worth to go for this and also that I needed to fast abit to come out with the $15 registration fee. So I was there on Saturday at the start of the whole programme, I ask myself this, "Why am I here man? Like what can I possibly learn from this?" Then I spoke to god for a bit and then concluded that there's a reason that god brought me here, so I'll receive with an open heart and I'm sure god had a reason for instilling in me a heart of excitement when I heard this was organized. So ya from there, I just listened and received whatever god wanted to say through Charles Whitehead.
As the talks got on, the topics were what the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) was all about. And from there I was able to really learn more and more about the CCR. Then during a time of worship, I was just reminded by god on how the timing for myself to be receiving the gift of tongues was just all so perfect. The timing to receive it has been really so perfect! It was a also a reminder that god might be calling me to this area too and maybe in future to lead in this area too. I really learnt so much stuff and how real the Holy Spirit was in this world today and not only in the Catholic Church but also in the other churches in the world like the Anglican, Methodist & evangelical churches too! And slowly god was drawing me closer and more interested in this area too.
On Sunday, the talks were even more amazing as the topics were more on a deeper level of leadership and the part which I loved most was how the pope has been supporting the CCR and also how the CCR has proved to everyone that this is the new move of god working the universal church! And all this wasn't something entirely new as through the past few weeks, god has been preparing me for this although I didn't realize it at all! And as I listened more and more, I just felt that this was the mission god has set for me. He really wants everyone to be more filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit!
It all links with one of my main visions for the followers of JESUS which is that there is be a day when "Every knee will bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus is lord. Also that everyone will really worship god in their daily lives!" I'll have to blog on all the other stuff I learned during this amazing weekend! But for now let's work to towards this!
Actually when Sury invited me to go, I was really excited about all of it but at the same time, I wondering who Charles Whitehead was and like whether it was worth to go for this and also that I needed to fast abit to come out with the $15 registration fee. So I was there on Saturday at the start of the whole programme, I ask myself this, "Why am I here man? Like what can I possibly learn from this?" Then I spoke to god for a bit and then concluded that there's a reason that god brought me here, so I'll receive with an open heart and I'm sure god had a reason for instilling in me a heart of excitement when I heard this was organized. So ya from there, I just listened and received whatever god wanted to say through Charles Whitehead.
As the talks got on, the topics were what the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) was all about. And from there I was able to really learn more and more about the CCR. Then during a time of worship, I was just reminded by god on how the timing for myself to be receiving the gift of tongues was just all so perfect. The timing to receive it has been really so perfect! It was a also a reminder that god might be calling me to this area too and maybe in future to lead in this area too. I really learnt so much stuff and how real the Holy Spirit was in this world today and not only in the Catholic Church but also in the other churches in the world like the Anglican, Methodist & evangelical churches too! And slowly god was drawing me closer and more interested in this area too.
On Sunday, the talks were even more amazing as the topics were more on a deeper level of leadership and the part which I loved most was how the pope has been supporting the CCR and also how the CCR has proved to everyone that this is the new move of god working the universal church! And all this wasn't something entirely new as through the past few weeks, god has been preparing me for this although I didn't realize it at all! And as I listened more and more, I just felt that this was the mission god has set for me. He really wants everyone to be more filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit!
It all links with one of my main visions for the followers of JESUS which is that there is be a day when "Every knee will bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus is lord. Also that everyone will really worship god in their daily lives!" I'll have to blog on all the other stuff I learned during this amazing weekend! But for now let's work to towards this!
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