God has been so generous and awesome throughout my birthday! I mean really awesome! When the new year started, I was wondering and talking to god on how my 20th birthday would be like. And i guess I thought to go into it with an open mind and not to expect anything at all. I just felt that it would be the best way to go into it as then there would be less dissapointment.
Throughout last week, my birthday celebrations started on tuesday with a dinner at "New York New York". Then on wednesday, it was with josie with a nice chat and pleasant suprise. This was more simplicity, so it was extra special. I guess the talking took alot of the highlights. Anyway when friday came, I was so suprise when my mum and sister came beside me and sat by my bedside to wake me up at 6.30am. Then they didn't say anything by just tapped me and showed me the bible I've been wanting to get for the longest time. Although it felt like a dream! I was so happy and what a way to start my 20th birthday! And then as usual, throughout the day I received SMSs from various people not forgetting lovely elaine's call right on time at 12 midnight which was such a suprise and it was a really sweet thing to do. Anyway the day went by with school and in the afternoon, I had to do a electronics project at home. What a time to be doing a project, which took about 3 hours. Anyway then I went for Amplify session at CSC. At that time, I was feeling a little stangnant due to the stress of the project caused earlier. So I boldly asked god to give me joy on my special day because I really wanted to be happy although I was feeling unworthy to ask him but nevertheless, god gave me grace to ask him boldly and yes of course, he gave me joy and happiness as soon as I reached CSC. And as soon as I saw Becks at CSC, she wished me and wonderfully told everyone its my birthday and yes they all sang a birthday song. Thanks becks, really appreciate it! The session by Dom on Worship was really good too. We had a good supper too after that to end 11 January!
On saturday, Jeanette treated me to a really awesome birthday lunch at Billy Bombers. The burgers were simply awesome! Then at YAM session in the evening, Angele & Elaine planned the whole suprise of the cake and all. Also take into consideration of the fact that I haven't been coming for YAM sessions recently too. So ya it was all really awesome from all the suprises everyone gave me. I was totally blown away so much. I really appreaciate them all so so much! Thank you daddy god for such beautiful suprises and experiences I received as I turned 20! Thanks to YV, Becks, Pris, YAM, my lovely family, all who messaged and wished me and especially Elaine and Angele! Love all of it loads!
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