So well, I went to ado to reflect on all the ideas and also on all that happened! As I was reflecting, I felt god telling me to be patient and do the work of god according to God's time not mine! After hearing that, I just sat and was silent and still as I wait on god to speak. Although it was a little difficult to concentrate at first but after awhile I just kept picturing a clear white sight. After being silent for about 10 minutes, God said to be patient for this year is a year of harvesting and that means to be lead the way to build up leaders for the future and also to guide the people who are new in this walk with the Lord! Then god went on to say that "In practical terms, my focus should be on the new cell group that I'm setting up in SFX and also to focus on my community, the Youth Vineyard as they all need guidance and that does't all mean to be planning big and huge events!" After that I realized that I wanted to fulfill my plans and not god's plan but thankfully, god redirected me to the path he has set for me at least for now!

As I continued to reflect, god continued to speak to me and he revealed that this is the year for us to prepare as more Leaders will rise up and also that more will start to follow Christ and that God wants me to guide them especially when they fall! After all these plans that had been set by god for me, god confirmed it with a sign which I have many a time used to confirm the revelation god reveals to me! And its working really fast because my first new cell meeting will be next Thursday and I'm just so excited! This new year is really starting reveal this exciting but simple stuff and the best part is that its only the 2nd day of the new year! We still have 363 day of exciting stuff still! Amen to that!
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