Sunday is the day when god said that it shall be day of rest! Ever since i've been in ministry, Sunday has been a day of going for mass and then going for session with my community. And for me since then, it was a day just devoted plainly to god alone. I don't know about everyone else but even if I was blind, I'd know when sunday comes around. It's just that feeling that the day of Lord is here. And when I go to church and see all my community people, its just a feeling of warmth that just goes through my heart!
So today, there was a birthday celebration so there wasn't any session as it was i suprise kinda thing. At first, I was a little upset but then my saving god came to save the day for me. God said " Child, Today shall be a day of simplicity!" So this sunday was really taking delight in the simple things especially mass and also the simple fellowship with my community as well as a simple sibling bonding as we had lunch together without the parents. So yup the message for the weekend has been about having a simple faith! Keep it simple god says! Praise god! There will be more posts in the week! So check it out!