Friday, February 29, 2008

Revelation on Sexual Sin

This is a really awesome revelation despite the busy schedule where all credit is due to the Almighty One! It’s a revelation which is fitted so rightfully in this time of lent! It’s a revelation on the "Desire of Sexual sin". Well this comes from someone trying for numerous attempts of being pure! This revelation might be more for the guys but I hope it relates to the girls too! Well you how so many of us struggle with sexual sin.

For most of us:

  • It’s the sin which prevents us from being in touch with god and also prevents us from being used by god as his instrument to the fullest potential!
  • It’s the first sin we think about which makes us think about when the word "Unworthiness" is brought to our minds!
  • It’s the sin which weighs our hearts down the most and also the sin which destroys our lovely souls the most.
  • It’s the sin which many of us would blame for corrupting our minds.
  • It’s the sin many of us would blame god for.
  • It’s the sin where many of us would blame god for creating that part of our body used to commit that sin!
  • It’s the sin where many of us would blame the computer for.
  • It’s the sin which makes us cry so much deep within our hearts and which practically kills us sometimes!
  • It’s the sin that many of us don't want to deal with and also the sin which we call undefeatable!

And time and again, we go to confession to confess the same sin and many a time we'd tend to think whether the same priest we go to for confession would judge us especially if we're leading a group or something. Many of us search for books to help educate and gives us revelations about our bodies to keep us free from this sin! We are all constantly searching and searching for way to defeat this sin! We are also constantly coming out with plans and strategies to defeat this sin! But almost every time we fail and we fail not-stop! And as we continue failing in this, we just give up after awhile and stop trying until the sin becomes a part of whom we are! After we just conclude that, "God, I love you and all but this sin is undefeatable. Sorry to tell you that, but god that’s the fact about it, but its true. I've tried and tried but I can't win and now I'm going to give up and accept it!" Many of us might be in this place and many of us might still be battling with this as we just try and try to draw close to god. Can this sin be defeated?

Well God is here to save you from wherever you are and from whatever state you are in! He is going to take you and free you and strengthen you! God calls us to be holy & pure and blameless before him! Now this is a fact and it’s true! It’s said in "1 Thessalonians 4:3-5". And we all know that closeness we all have with god when we remain free from this sin, we all know that it feels like heaven!

God has called us to go deeper into why we even commit and fall into this sexual sin. Why do we even fall into the trap of Satan of this sin? The word is desire! Many of us desire to have that sexual pleasure for that short period of time! And it’s the evil one who brings us into this trap! The answer to all this is, "TO LET GO". Yes this is what god calls us to do, we need to let go of this area of our life. You know how we all desire so much to see the face of God; well this is the same thing. We all desire for this sin and we don't want to let go of the short time of sexual pleasures we get from this sin. We just need to let go. That's all!

And for many us may be struggling to let go of this. But what do we desire more, GOD or Sexual sin? If we don't have strength for this, not to worry cause god is here yet again to help us through this! We all pray that god will take away this desire for sexual sin and increase our desire for god! Amen!

PS: As I was typing this, I was really shivering but I am so happy that god has revealed this. I feel so honored that god has revealed it to me! I really hope we benefit from this. Girls please pray for us guys and we too shall pray for you! Thanks! Praise be to god!

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace was what I've been experiencing over the past 2 weeks. Its been a really jammed packed 2 weeks with exams and all. But I must say that in these 2 weeks was the time when god was ever so present. Before the 2 weeks started, I talked to the Lord and was discussing with him what I need to do the most due to the busy schedule! After much talking and analysis, I concluded that the preparations for exams & the SJS rally I'm leading worship in. These were the 2 most important stuff at that point. I really haven't had much time to chill out and all but to really focus on this stuff. I think during this 2 weeks was really a test in include god in all of it and also make him control everything!

The preparations for the rally have been really good. We are all set for Saturday night at SVDP church. And spiritual preparations have been good but tough too. I've been struggling too with sin but god has been reminding me not that, "Mark, I've got your back!"

The exams side of stuff, I have got to say and testify that God works even as you're studying so hard. Some of you might think that it’s impossible, that god's work only comes in when you're done with the exams and just leaving god to do the rest, but it’s been different man! Throughout my studying for whatever module, there's been numerous times when I just got so angry and frustrated on not being able to find the answers of some really tough questions. At this point, I would be cursing and swearing at times. God would just say, "Calm down Mark, Take a breather & try again." I felt that throughout this process of studying, god was present so many times in so many areas. Like all the prayers that were said for me, was the reason which gave me the strength to study so hard. The perseverance that god provided for me lead me to get all my answers right. And lastly, my faithfulness to prayer, lead me to being close to god despite the business which was the most important!

There was 1 incident where I was studying for my final paper which was my 2nd toughest paper of all. I was studying for that after my Tuesday morning paper and I could do everything but I could do 3 things. So I went for mass and told god that I needed his help for these 3 things. So that night when I was studying, I still couldn't find the answer. After struggling and struggling, I just gave up and went to sleep! Then the next day in the afternoon, as I was studying, I still was struggling. Then god said to me, "Look closer into that chapter." I was thinking and telling god, "The page is almost in my face", but I listened to god. The problem was that I was studying on something called, "Moment of inertia", and there's a formula for this and it was something divide by 64. But In some other pages of the book, it would divide by 32, and I couldn't understand when to apply which one. But as god told me to look closer, I found out that to find "moment of inertia", you have to divide by 64 but for "polar moment of inertia"; you need to divide by 32. He lead me to realising the difference which was a hugh factor in doing well for this module!

And after this incident, I just knew that god was absolutely with me all the way! I praise god for everything especially for this amazing grace that he has when he does his wonder! Thanks to all the wonderfully awesome people praying for me throughout my exams. It helped sustain me! Amen!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lent for me

Well things have been quite a rush as the exams approach as well as the SJS rally. Alot of good time management has been the key for everything to work out. As the aim has been to please everyone as much as possible also. But Lent is here!

Been thinking about lent quite abit and also what I want to do about it and also what to do. Everyone's giving up something to experience lent in a better way. I was reflecting about how unjoyous i have been always but during lent, because of my sacrifice of not listening to praise & worship songs for the time of lent, its been really hard to be joyful and all. And I guess in many ways that what god want me to do is to grow more joyful through him as in through prayer! So this lent is basically really growing much more deeper through prayer.

But knowing me, that normally isn't the only experience to go through during lent. Lent has also called for me to take a 2nd look at what I'm doing and also whether all my actions and words are reflecting who Jesus Christ really is. Although perfection can never be acheived, I'm also determined to improve the areas where I haven't given to Christ!

But besides all this reflective thoughts, things with ministry has been looking good and prospective. YV (Youth Vineyard) has been having much better sessions and also that our core team is becoming closer and plus, we are looking more and more of a ministry than a group. I really see god's hands working in all this. Its really been all his works. And of course he's moulding me still. God is really making me more understand and sensitive towards others feelings.

Finally really unknown exciting news. Well I just am so sure that in this time of lent, god is preparing a real big blasting thing as i prepare in this time of lent. I'm really clueless about this but its seems like something worth preparing for. Maybe its the SJS rally!

PS:Prayer request for my exams starting next friday,22nd February!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Set the Spirit of God ablaze!

This was the sight at the "Hearts on Fire" rally. During worship and basically throughout the whole time of the rally, the spirit of god was set ablaze throughout. And it was really a wonderful sight to see everyone really praising & worshipping this everlasting god! And it just felt like people from different ministries just coming together as a body of Christ to worship god!This links to what god said to me at the new year midnight mass after I received in communion,

"All ministries & communities shall come together to worship and praise me, your god! Especially in this year!"

This year is really looking very very bright filled with love and especially the holy spirit!

But the fun and joy didn't start at the rally, yes there was more joy before this! On saturday, cell group sharing and worship was simply excellent! After practicing the song "Everlasting God" for so long, God & myself have worked together to get it right, plus we had a ball of fun playing it for cell! Well becks lead in worship and I played the guitar. The other songs were ok but when the final song "Everlasting God" came, I just knew that god had sent the holy spirit in me to help me for the ending. And it was really amazing man, suddenly everything sounded so pleasing and all. I was just in total awe of god. At the ending of the song, God just said to me in great joy,"Yes man, we did it together!".
After all the wonderful saturday, I was just wondering what was installed for me on sunday. So my ministry session started with myself leading in worship and it was really wonderful yet again as the spirit of god was so present throughout and we all had a really good time of worship yet again! Then, Paul so kindly gave a talk on "Discovering ourselves" but yet again the holy spirit worked so wonderfully through him by diverting the talk to first discovering who our creator is first. It was all too good man! After that, we had 2 individual ministering and yes the holy spirit did wonders yet again. Amen to the holy spirit!
After all that, Paul and myself met sury, angele, van & becks for lunch, after which we went to CJC. We were all part of the ministering team for the rally. We had mass and all. When we entered the auditorium for the start of the rally, it was so special man with so many youths gathered! I just knew it would be a special night in the name of God! It was so special for all who came!
Finally to end of this post, "Friends now that we are set ablaze through the holy spirit, let's not live ordinary lives anymore but let's live for god and prove to the world that Jesus is alive in us and that He is the Lord of our life!" Pray for me too that I will be able to be a light of christ for everyone too! Amen Amen Amen in Lord Jesus name!