Sunday, October 10, 2010

Truths within the heart

There are certain truths within each of our hearts that remains with us for the longest time, even when we choose to make a conscious effort to erase those truths. But even with the greatest efforts, these truths still remain within our hearts. For many of us, these truths even go to the extend of building up foundations within our hearts too. It becomes so difficult when we see how these truths, accompanied with its foundations, start to weigh us down so much. Majority of the time, these truths have a direct relation to Love. These truths of Love sometimes never cease to exist due to the amount of effort we had once put in. For many of us, its a case where we had fallen head over heels for a particular someone in our lives, but of course, not all truths within our hearts are about that.

Over the past 10 weeks, ever since starting my NS at the Police Force, there have been 3 truths that have seemed to withstand and fight off the many influences & temptations of current state of my life in NS. For me, these truths always seem to be standing so strong, even when I feel distant from God. And I guess in many ways, its been these truths within my heart that has really helped me be convinced that God's hand continues to be working within me.

The 1st truth has been none other than this undeniable love for God that has stood to be ever so radiant in my heart. There has truely been so many times when my Love for God has been put to the test, especially in times when my many human temptations to be un-Christ-like almost got the better of me. The 2nd truth has been this intense desire in my heart to do God's holy will. This truth has been intensified to a very extreme extent where it sometimes even feel foreign as I am unable to comprehend why & how I have reached this state where I desire nothing else but God's holy will for me! I guess this desire is one of the fruits of my discernment. The 3rd truth is one that has really led to a mixture of emotions as there have been emotions of anger, resentment, joy, peace, love and so much more. This truth is directly related to my discernment and its what I call a 'rollercoaster truth'. Its a truth that has also left me wondering if its from God. But with each time I ask myself if its from God, I come to experience how strong this truth is. Its also a truth of which hasn't ceased to exist too, despite my numerous efforts to erase it. In faith, I claim this truth to be from God, due to the strength of this truth.

As I was reflecting about these 3 truths in the adoration room yesterday, I entered into a state of awe over how strong these truths remain to be. Over the reflection, I was led to both embrace & accept all 3 truths. For me, the only truth that I still struggle to embrace the most is the 3rd truth as it brings about alot of confusion. But deep within my heart, I am certain that God invites & challenges me to really embrace this truth. To a great extent, maybe this truth has stood off many influences & temptations for a reason and maybe there is an even greater reason for this truth to still remain there in my heart. As I continue to move forward in my search for God's will in my life, I find myself surrendering more and more of myself unto thy loving hands of God.

In conclusion, Truths that continue to stand strong in each of our hearts, amidst all the distractions & temptations, deserve to be looked upon and also invested. So if there are truths in your heart, especially about the past, that continue to remain despite your many efforts to erase it, take time to embrace those truths. It may be like in the case of as my 3rd truth, maybe God needs those truths to exist in your heart for you to be led to his plan & will for you.

Praise God!