Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Why can't we all love?

This has been one of our main struggles throughout the years serving in ministry! And there's been so many times that I've question God about this but I always come to a point of just accepting that its just meant to be that way. But I just always so troubled by the fact that there are so many people out there in search for that unconditional love.

So why can't we love unconditionally?

I guess this may appear as a plea as well. But I guess the first step is to get myself out of the self-denial period. Well, I do get quite affected when people make those racist remarks at me. And sometimes I just question God if there'd been anything I'd done to deserve such treatment. And there's been so many times when people have said that the ones being joked at don't get affected by the remarks we make. But if that were to be yourself in that position, wouldn't you be affected after a series of remarks. But as always I come back to the point that I should love them for who they are and not what they say.

But I guess I still just throw this question to everyone out there. How are people who are searching for God and his love, going to find it if we ourselves aren't instruments of that love? How are these poor people going to experience that love if we ourselves don't experience that within our brothers and sisters in Christ?

As I post this, my prayer is going out to both the guilty ones and the victims of this. I guess we may all be part of both groups at different times.

And this is my plea to everyone: LOVE! The world lacks so much love where there are people constantly dying without experiencing love throughout their whole life. So many times, we pray that for those who are so sick suffering from so many illnesses but the biggest illnesses we all have is the inability to love. So let this be our prayer! That there'll be more and more love being experienced everyday especially for those searching for love!

And may our lovely catholic church be the main source of love. And maybe this is the reason why youths are running away from our catholic church, as they don't find a sense of community and being loved. So let us love more and stop allowing people to joke and make fun of others at the expense of others. And let's so stop presuming that the ones we make fun of aren't affected by the remarks we make because at some point they surely will as we all have a heart and they'll feel hurt at some point!


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